
I am a Postie! for Pay Per Post

As a work a home mom, I am constantly looking for ways to bring in money from different sources- that is the basis of Smart Moms.

Over the past few months, I have been amazed at the things I have found on the internet. One of these is payperpost. I found it a few months ago, but my blog did not qualify- you have to be over 3 months old with more than 20 posts. I had the 20+ posts, but was not three months old. My friend Betsy reminded me today to go back and reapply- so here I am. I can earn $20 for this post, $5 or more here and there for other posts. You select the opportunity and write about it on your blog.

In my opinion, this is perfect for mom blogs. Why not make some money why you are doing what you will do anyway- posting!? Plus you can get more money for referring others to Pay Per Post and earn more as your ranking improves and as you post more! See my badge in the side panel- if you are interested click through and join me.

If you have a blog or looking to earn some extra money, think about payperpost. If you have not started a blog, start one and in three months, come back and join. There are always times when you are looking for something interesting to post about so why not get some ideas and make some money. Multiple Streams of Income is the ultimate goal!


Stephanie said...

Interesting. Can you tell us more about payperpost? What exactly are the requirements? Maybe you can post a review here after a few months (and a few paychecks) to let us know how it is going...

I'll keep your blog on my radar.

Suzanne A. Wells said...

Hi, Rebekah. I applied for PPP also, but didn't have my 90 days yet. Actually have been blogging longer, but had a crash and had to start over - UGH!! So I plan to reapply when the time is right. Thanks for the info, and the reminder!!

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