
Crazy Kid Sleeping Positions

In this great blog I found, Crazy Hip Blog Mamas they have a posting for crazy kid sleeping positions. So I went and found one... sleeping sideways on Daddy!

Crafts That Are TOO Hard

My son did not want to go to Wednesday night church recently. He likes to stay home with Daddy, even though he used to call it "his school." So I asked him why he did not want to go. He answered, "Because the crafts are too hard. Crafts should not be that hard." He is almost 4, but there are kids in there that are almost 6. So it is probably too hard. But does that make him a perfectionist? Oh no!


My two year old needs to speak English!

My little girl is just 2 and 1 week. She was born when my son was 22 months old, and I believe I remember him talking so we could understand him. She is getting so frustrated because she knows what she is saying, but I have no idea! She takes me around the house, saying the same thing over and over and I have no idea what it is. I feel terrible that I cannot translate. My sister told me to ask my son what she is saying since he may understand her... ha ha ha! When I asked him, he repeated her sounds and added in some baby sounds for good measure! He has no clue either. So I need her to speak English, not 2 year old. She is getting angrier and angrier that we cannot understand her and I feel terrible! Any translators available?


VBS Game Day Central Cookies

A wonderful woman at our church made these cookies for our Game Day Central kick off event for our Team KID group. They are too cute and yummy too! She used cookie dough refrigerator batter on these big plates she got that you cook on (like Gladware, I think). Then she did the icing. I cannot give you all the details, but you can improvise from what you see.

A Real Mom's Mother's Day

What would a Mother's Day be if you got to sit back and relax? For a mom of a preschooler and toddler, it is just a dream. Today I am nursing back to health a 2 year old... she is throwing up! I always try to track down where we get the viruses from, but it was a busy week- the grocery store (and no wipes available to wipe down the cart), the library for story time, church on Wednesday night, MOPS on Thursday, the pet store and children's museum on Friday. Too many opportunities out there, huh? I usually am really good at wiping things down before they touch them and their hands after we leave, but I was not so good this week. Someone told me I needed to build up their immunity. Now my son has a slight fever, which is amazing, because he hardly ever gets sick! So my Mother's day lunch at my moms house is not going to happen, although I made some of the food this morning. We were also going to have birthday cake for Sophia's birthday last week. It is already ordered, so someone is going to eat it! Maybe I will have Rick record them singing Happy Birthday to her! LOL
I know the "sit back and relax" days may come some day, but so is the day of a mom... taking care of your children that cannot help it they are sick, making food for a party you were attending but can't make it to, and cleaning the house. Does that mean I get a rain check for next Sunday?

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