
I am joining the "I Reply Movement"

I am making an effort to reply if you comment on my blog. So check back for the reply later- let's make a blogging community!

A Screaming Toddler

Our toddler girl has been screaming every morning and afternoon for three days. Not screaming over pain, but over frustration and anger. We don't know if she is taking it out on us that she is in preschool now or if she is not sleeping well or if she is just frustrated over her lack of speech!

It is not really a tantrum at first, but can certainly move into one if we make her do what we want her to do... she is a determined child!

Here are some tips from experts on how to handle toddler tantrums and some discipline tips for toddlers that may help me out and anyone else suffering!


I Won The Picture Of the Week

I was on of the selected winners of the picture of the week from Mommy's Coffee Break.

You can join too- just go to the Mommy's Coffee Break to see the rules.

Thanks Lara!


Newberry Award Considerations 2008

After some research this morning on the Newberry Award considerations for this coming year, I was astounded by the amount of wonderful literature there is available from this year. I was disappointed to not find a very good list of the books that are possible considerations.

I have heard about and know something about the Newberry award, but I did not know that there is not a published list of books that are being considered by the committee. It is a big secret. There are books submitted for approval that are read, judge, and finally announced as the winner or as honor winner. The books for consideration must have been published during this calendar year, which is exciting to see all the new children's literature during one year!.

I created an Amazon Newberry Award List from the two sources I found. These books were given as suggestions from qualified individuals (not me!).

There is an online Newberry discussion group and some a Newberry blog to keep up with. I hope you will read some of these books before the announcement of the award winner in January 2008. Maybe you can start your own Newberry group! These books selections would be great to read with your children or have your children read at home.

For past winners, please visit the American Libraries Association for a complete list.


Defywire Mobile Guardian Back to School Safety Checklist

Defywire is dedicated to keeping students and teachers safe with their real-time wireless data to school administrators on Wi-Fi-enabled PDAs. This system gives administrators access to information that was previously only in the front office and could not be accessed at a moments notice. It gives administrators emergency and truancy information, class schedules, grades, and other critical student information wherever and whenever they needed it--in the gym or on the playground.

The have also created this Back to School Safety Checklist that is great information for all parents:

1. Designate an out-of-town person for your child to call in the event of a crisis. When emergencies happen, cell sites in the local area get completely overwhelmed, and a call from one local tower to another is unlikely to be completed.

2. Tell your child to use a short text message code with an agreed-upon meaning in an emergency. A pre-set word such as “stars” could quickly and safely convey the message, “I am in danger at school.”

3. Choose a social networking website as a back-up way to communicate when all else fails. When cell phone lines were jammed at Virginia Tech, students reverted to Internet sites such as Facebook to tell loved ones that they were safe and where they were located.

4. Make sure that the school has all of your up-to-date contact information. In today’s world, cell phone numbers and email addresses change frequently, but parents often forget to update this crucial information with school officials.

5. Know the school’s emergency plan and practice it. Go to PTA meetings, open houses and other school events where emergency procedures are likely to be presented as a handout.

These are terrific suggestions you may not have considered as a way to help protect the safety of your child. Make a plan and keep your child safe this school year.

Handmade Hair Clips- Get Them For Free!

Pajama Mama is hosting a contest for these darling toddler girl hair clips by Lil' Sugarplum. All you have to do is visit Lil' Sugarplum and comment on Pajama Mama's site about the two hair clips you like the best. You can also do a blog post, if you have a blog, and promote this contest, like I am doing. Support another work at home mom and a crafty lady!

These are my favorite hair clips. They are $6 or $7 each and are too cute! And the are handmade so no one in your playgroup will have them... until they see yours and go online and buy them! Too Cute!


What to do when your burn your hand!

I have done this before and I have done it again. I use my dutch oven in the oven instead of the stove top- which I do 90% of the time- and I grab the handle when it is on the stove after coming out of the oven. It really hurts and I am typing and putting my hand on the ice pack!

I do not know why I don't remember I just took it out and it is 350 degrees! I know to put something over the handle so you do not forget and I forget to do that too. So now I have a burn... and it hurts.

And I cannot type anymore!

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