After being asked to cook a freezer meal for a new mom, I came across the Happy Money Saver blog for 50 freezer meals in a day. I decided to give it a try. Since it is the first of the month and the beginning of summer break it seemed like a good time to test it out.
This is what I ended up with:
- 1 pan of chicken enchiladas
- 2 bags of beef barley stew ready for the crock pot
- 2 bags of honey glazed pork chops ready for the grill
- 7 twice baked potatoes (one half failed to make it)
- 2 chicken pot pies (one became tonight's dinner)
- 2 dinners of beef for sandwiches similar to this recipe for french dip sandwiches
- 4 chicken burritos with chicken, Spanish rice, and cheese individually wrapped in waxed paper to be microwaved
- 2 bags of dough for pizza
I still have a pork roast to cook tomorrow for BBQ sandwiches. I already froze one meatloaf this week and one chicken tetrazzini.
I will need to figure out what I spent but for a few meals that are already stocked and ready to go, it was worth it.
And thankfully my husband cleaned up most of the kitchen while I was working.
I started out this morning by cooking the potatoes while I was cooking sausage balls for breakfast Sunday at church. It was exactly the amount of time to cook breakfast as was needed to cook my potatoes. Then I put 6 chicken breast in the crock pot with salt and pepper and two beef roast into the oven with a can of coke at 200 degrees before church. They cooked about 6 hours and were done when we got home for lunch (yes, we ate out right before my cooking marathon). I also started the pizza dough first thing so I could let it rise twice. When I got home, I divided the pizza dough into two portions and got it into the freezer. (By the way, my husband also had to clean out the freezer for me. With a side by wide freezer, this was tricking getting everything in plus the freezer items we already had.)
After lunch, I let the meat cool and start assembling one recipe at a time. It probably took me 4 hours to complete everything.
I am way excited and hoping this will decrease the amount we eat out over the next few weeks. We will still have breakfast for dinner one night and probably eat out once a week, but I certainly do not have an excuse to eat out for a few weeks!