
Children's Annual Checkup Questions

Don't you love when you go for your children's annual checkups and they ask you all sorts of developmental questions? You really have to think.... does my child describe things? Do they walk backwards?

The one I loved the most today was do they have any behavior, eating, or sleeping problems? Not if eating junk most of the time, whining, and sleeping in your parents bed don't count as problems! It is all how you think of things as problems. My children certainly would not classify those as problems... actually, those would be solutions to their problems! So how do you answer? My doctor is one of those that thinks most children act like children anyways... so I tend to keep my mouth shut. I taught children with behavioral problems, you think I would be able to get a 4 year old to get into bed at night!

Until next year--- maybe I will be better prepared!


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