
Cleaning week update...

I did not completely accomplish my goal this week. It started off great, as usual, and then went downhill and back up again. I did not get the entire family room dusted on the family room day, but I did get a lot done. The next morning I did get the dusting done, but had to go and get Sophie's 2 year old pictures so that day went downhill. Today I had to tackle the kids section. The playroom was so overwhelming that I had to stop and go all day! There were toys everywhere from my week away! I got a lot together to give to my friend and threw away the junky papers my son likes to keep. I also got rid of the McDonald's toys and the like. Overall, it looked pretty good when I got done. I moved their little table close to the little kitchen and told my son it was his restaurant. So where did we have dinner tonight... in the playroom!

And speaking of dinner, I set a record this week... 5 nights of dinner at home! That is an accomplishment!


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