I know, fried and healthy should not be in the same title! But this is a healthier version of fried okra, if only because of the whole wheat in the breading.
2 slices whole wheat bread (I look for bread without HFCS in it)
1 cup honey nut cheerios
2-4 eggs
1 cup olive oil
Wash and dry the okra and cut into cylinder pieces. Lightly beat eggs in bowl. Add bread and cheerios to food processor and pulse until they are a bread crumb consistency (here I added a few whole wheat crackers because I had them lying around). Heat oil in skillet to 350 degrees. Dip okra and cover with egg. Dip into bread crumbs. Cook until golden brown on both sides (about 5 minutes). They get nice and crispy if you let the oil heat and not over heat! Turn it down if it starts getting too hot or your okra will not cook!
I used the leftover bread crumbs/egg mixture and made little whole wheat hush puppies (without the rest of the seasonings)- hubby loved them!
Somewhat Healthy? Fried Okra
Posted by Unknown at 7:01:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: recipe
Time at the Beach
Since the last few weeks of kindergarten were all about sea life, we have had a ton of conversations about what lives in the ocean, what lives in the lake, and what does a sea anemone feel like. This past weekend we went to the aquarium and the beach and got a lot of touchy feeling experiences. Nothing is better learning that touching a real life sea creature!

Posted by Unknown at 11:28:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: outdoor activities, vacations
New Blog
Hubby started saying how there are not a whole lot of popular sites for real mom tips on decorating, shopping, child rearing, cooking, etc. Well there are a lot, but you have to look real hard. So I am starting my new venture with a new blog (haven't done that for a while).
Everyday Mom Tips
Posted by Unknown at 7:14:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: blog carnival, tips
Easy Banana Cake Recipe
My friends at Confection Connection gave me this recipe- an easy fix with over ripe bananas (I added the extra sugar)!
1 box yellow cake mix
2 over ripe bananas
1/2 cup of water
2 tablespoons brown sugar
1/4 cup pecans (optional)
Preheat oven according to box directions. Smash the bananas in a medium size bowl. Add box mix and add water. Stir all together. Add nuts, reserving 2 tablespoons for topping.
I used a bundt pan for my cake (greased well with olive oil spray). I added the brown sugar and the 2 tablespoons of nuts to the bottom of the pan. Then add the cake mixture. Make sure it is even. Cook according to package directions for a bundt pan.
My son loves this with peanut butter on top.
Posted by Unknown at 11:03:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: recipe
Initials Inc Starter Promotion for June
I have been a consultant with Initials Inc for over a year now. While I do not do many parties, I do buy lots of product. This month, they are offering a great new promotion for new recruits... The starter kit is $100 and you can personalize everything in it! So when you are done with your Initials Inc business, you have some great products of your own! And- you have only at $250 requirement to sell on a rolling quarter! That is a low amount to sell- enough you can buy on your own or for gifts. If you have ever been interested, now is the time. Leave me a comment and I will help you get started...
Posted by Unknown at 9:30:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: initials inc
Walk On- A Great Video on Goal Setting
A friend of mine sent me the link to this video. It is about 12 minutes long but details the life of a man who's parents were told he would never walk- and how he proved them wrong... watch it and see!

Posted by Unknown at 8:30:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: goals
My New Favorite Christian Artist
I love the new song by Mat Kearney, Closer to Love. Watch the video or hear the song for free at Mat Kearney's website. Then read the Closer to Love lyrics. And before June 2, get the music download for free from Borders!
Posted by Unknown at 9:46:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: music
A Great Chicken Salad
This Southwest Chicken salad was so yummy! The chicken, bacon, onions, mayo, and bbq sauce made a great warm dressing sitting on lettuce, with grape tomatoes, the avocado, and blue corn chips, it was delicious. A good flavor combination and an even simpler preparation. And with the grocery list tool on this website, you actually use one click to add the ingredients for your shopping list.
My mom is on the phone and she said hi!
Posted by Unknown at 7:42:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: recipe
Easter Pictures
Having two children close in age I am compelled to coordinate their outfits for major holidays. I don't know what it is, but I like them to match.
That has gotten more difficult with one child in the big boys and one child in the little girls. They just don't make many affordable, cute options for coordinating outfits.
This year, I hired my friend to make the dress and the shirt for my children. Quite cute if you ask me. And it was very affordable. I used quilting fabric that had lots of coordinating patterns. My friend added so many nice details to the dress that it came out far better than the pattern.
I am so pleased!

Posted by Unknown at 9:50:00 AM 2 comments
Labels: holidays
Awareness Video Test
I was at a math workshop and the presenter had tons of great video clips to use within classroom settings. This awareness test was great. We did the original version and I just watched the newer version. When we watched the original video, I still did not see what I was suppose to see. So I came home and it was obvious- although I can see how I missed it! Watch both and see what you think.
Posted by Unknown at 6:16:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: video clips, youtube
Honey and Allergies
A friend was telling me how a swarm of honey bees built a hive under a building at her place of business. At that moment of our conversation, a bee keeper was getting the bees out- she said it was an amazing sound going in the building with the buzz of the bees.
She told the bee keeper that she wanted some of the honey so that she could help her allergies. Around here, the orange blossoms smell wonderful but they reek havoc on some of us (my family included). She had read how the local honey helps allergies. Because it is filled with the pollen that causes the histamine reaction, you are self medicating your immune system to tolerate the pollens. Since the closer to your home the honey is cultivated is the best honey to have, she has the perfect stash! It is just like getting an allergy shot but in a tasty dose.
Posted by Unknown at 7:13:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: allergies, natural remedies
Publix Online Shopping List and Meal Deals
A parent of my little girl's friend told me a great tip for those Publix shoppers. Not only does their website have a great tip for meal deals for $15 updated weekly, it also has a list of the BOGO (buy one get one) items of the week! How neat is that! I could not believe the wealth of information on the site.
The best thing was the online shopping list. You can create you own list ready to go to the store using featured products, weekly ads, and the Aprons Simple Meals. All you do is show the shopping list for that Aprons Meal and click next to the item and it is on your list, ready to go to the store.
And I hate going to the store without a list! A definite time saver- the recipes, the ads, the BOGOs, and the shopping list. Too much excitement for one site!
BTW- I made this Angel Lush cake this week for an Easter party- and believe it or not- my mom made it today (without ever talking to me) for our family Easter dinner! It is a definite winner!
Posted by Unknown at 8:17:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: menu planner, shopping
An Easter Egg Hunt
My children had a wonderful time with our Sunday school class at our Easter egg hunt. This is the second year we have been able to all get together to have a little fun and some food too! We go out to a wonderful location, pretty much in the woods, with lots of great places to hide eggs. My son, however, could care less about how many eggs he found- he was just glad he got some candy!
Posted by Unknown at 10:21:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: holidays
Ecostore Meijer Store Visits
For those of you with a Meijer's store, here is the schedule for Malcolm Rands wfor the ask Ecoman tour. Malcolm will be available to answer any questions on Eco friendly products. The first 25 moms or dads that ask Malcolm A question will receive an organic Ecostore T-Shirt. There will be entertainment for the kids while mom and dad ask Malcolm ( Ecoman) questions.
Ecostore USA Schedule of visits
4/13 Chicago - McHenry (5-7 PM)
4/18 Detroit - Wixom (5-7 PM)
4/20 Fort Wayne - Illinois Road (5-7 PM)
4/21 Indianapolis - Carmel (5-7 PM)
4/22 Cincinnati - Harrison Road (4-6 PM)
4/23 Grand Rapids - Cascade (2-4 PM)
Wish I had one near by. Check out my reviews for Ecostore ecofriendly products.
Posted by Unknown at 10:18:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: ecofriendly
All Natural Lemon Rinse Aid for
The nice people at EcoStore USA offered me some free products to try and review. Let me tell you--- they were all great!
By far, I think this was my favorite product I tried. The Lemon Rinse Aid leaves my dishes sparkling! The dishes (using a standard ecofriendly dishwasher soap from the grocery store) are so nice and shiny when the cycle is done! My dishes have really never looked better. This is a must have product- and to think-- "no nasty chemicals" needed!
Check out my other reviews for front loader laundry powder and all natural dog ear wash.
Also--- Ecostore USA is offering free shipping on orders over $25 in the month of April for Earth Day... buy some soon! And check out all the other products they offer.
Another important event... Malcolm Rands the founder of Ecostore New Zealand is here in the United States with us to promote Earth Month and stop at the different MEIJER stores that we have launched at. He will be answering all the "green" questions and passing out organic Ecostore T Shirts to the first 25 moms who come to MEIJER. You can get the complete schedule on their blog on www.ecostoreusa.com
Posted by Unknown at 7:31:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: dishes, ecofriendly, product review
Chemical Free Ear Wash for Dogs- All Natural!
The nice people at EcoStore USA offered me some free products to try and review. Let me tell you--- they were all great!
I selected the All Natural Ear Wash for dogs because I have a bull dog mix that has a problem with yeast in her ears. She often gets an allergy type reaction and itches them incessantly! The doctor continues to prescribe an ear medicine that she shakes all over the house. I have been wanting something that will not burn her ears but something that works.
And this works great. First of all, the lavender scent is wonderful! It is easy to apply with cotton balls (I do both ears at once) and my dogs does not whine or cry when I am rubbing her ears (she loves that). It has a great soft and soothing feel to it. I am definitely sold on it!
Obviously I do not take enough pictures of Grace because I cannot find one to share!
Check out my other reviews for front loader laundry powder and lemon rinse aid.
Also--- Ecostore USA is offering free shipping on orders over $25 in the month of April for Earth Day... buy some soon! And check out all the other products they offer.
Another important event... Malcolm Rands the founder of Ecostore New Zealand is here in the United States with us to promote Earth Month and stop at the different MEIJER stores that we have launched at. He will be answering all the "green"questions and passing out organic Ecostore T Shirts to the first 25 moms who come to MEIJER. You can get the complete schedule on their blog on www.ecostoreusa.com
Posted by Unknown at 7:21:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: dogs, ecofriendly, product review
Front Loader EcoFriendly Laundry Powder
The nice people at EcoStore USA offered me some free products to try and review. Let me tell you--- they were all great!
One of the products was the Front Loader Laundry Powder. It is super concentrated so you only use half a scoop for the whole load. It dissolved well and washed excellently. The scent was pleasing and best of all... it did not bother my daughter's sensitive skin! It is has been a challenge to find a chemical free laundry powder for my front loader, so it was a nice surprise that it worked!
Make sure you check out the other two reviews for rinse aid and all natural dog ear wash.
Also--- Ecostore USA is offering free shipping on orders over $25 in the month of April for Earth Day... buy some soon! And check out all the other products they offer.
Another important event... Malcolm Rands the founder of Ecostore New Zealand is here in the United States with us to promote Earth Month and stop at the different MEIJER stores that we have launched at. He will be answering all the "green"questions and passing out organic Ecostore T Shirts to the first 25 moms who come to MEIJER. You can get the complete schedule on their blog on www.ecostoreusa.com
Posted by Unknown at 7:13:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: ecofriendly, laundry, product review
Eco Friendly Housecleaning
On my quest for ecofriendly products, especially with my asthma boy, I have tried many different companies and recipes to get rid of the chemicals. From laundry soap to dish washing powder, I have tried many different things. Today, I found this site EcoStore USA. I am looking forward to trying the front loader laundry soap. I will let you know how it goes!
Posted by Unknown at 8:11:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: ecofriendly, laundry
I Have Been Tagged!
This one was cute. My friend Michelle tagged me to get into my 6th picture folder and the 6th picture and reflect on it. I have not even looked at it yet, so here it goes... you will be as surprised as me...
Okay- this is funny- and proves that you can have pictures of anything on your computer. This is my husband's principal and plant manager at his school, on the roof, looking over the flock of kindergartners.
Not mushy gushy here. :) HAHAHA! Michelle said she was reminded to back up her pictures. I am reminded to delete some!
I am tagging Betsy and Vicki.
Posted by Unknown at 7:27:00 PM 3 comments
Labels: tagged