
Honey and Allergies

A friend was telling me how a swarm of honey bees built a hive under a building at her place of business. At that moment of our conversation, a bee keeper was getting the bees out- she said it was an amazing sound going in the building with the buzz of the bees.

She told the bee keeper that she wanted some of the honey so that she could help her allergies. Around here, the orange blossoms smell wonderful but they reek havoc on some of us (my family included). She had read how the local honey helps allergies. Because it is filled with the pollen that causes the histamine reaction, you are self medicating your immune system to tolerate the pollens. Since the closer to your home the honey is cultivated is the best honey to have, she has the perfect stash! It is just like getting an allergy shot but in a tasty dose.


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