
My Little Sister is Going to College

My little sis (third from left) is heading off to college tomorrow. She is going far, far away! I was in high school when she was born and she even came and stayed in my dorm room when I was in college.

She is happy and excited as any college bound girl should be. It makes me feel old to think she is old enough for college! Although- she has always seen me as old I am sure.

It is strange having sisters in high school (one is starting ninth grade and will leave for her new boarding school next week- first on left) and college. How can they relate to their big sis with two children and a mom? Perfectly, I am their big sister that "knows it all" as they like to say. I hope they will remember that when they are away!

I will miss them so much! But I am glad and excited for what they will experience. I pray for their safety, for their happiness, and to relieve their nervousness... and my mom's! Besides the four of us, we have one brother. She has been a mom with children in the house for 37 years! WOW!


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