
My little girl slept in her big girl bed

Last night, my daughter threw a fit until she was able to get into her big girl bed. My son was in his real bed when he was 18 months and did not start getting out of it at night until he was 2 1/2. She has not ever tried climbing out of her crib so we have left her in there. It seems that she has had other ideas. We combined the kids together a few weeks ago and made a playroom with the other room. My sister gave me bunk beds, so she has seen the two beds in there. I guess she decided it was time. She has always been a child that needs her bed to sleep (going away is a nightmare!) so she had about 30 minutes of wiggling but then she feel asleep, slept all night, and did not even fall out! Now when the novelty wears off, we shall see. I will be thankful to take the crib out of the room since I have had a crib in my house for four years now! Her birthday is in May and she will be 2. I guess it is about time.


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