
Spring Cleaning- Bathroom Drawers

Today I worked on cleaning out the bathroom drawers. How does all that get in there? Old make up, buttons, the tweezers I could not find so I bought new ones... all hid away in small little drawers. I am purging old make up and tossing out anything that has not been used- and I am forgoing the recycling on these products just to make it go faster and I will not get bogged down. I have thrown out a garbage can full and have one more drawer to go- then it is under the sinks!

Wow! Why don't you join me and clean yours out too!


Anonymous said...

Go, Rebekah! I get the urge to purge sometimes, too.

I tagged you in a meme on my blog, come check it out if you can. :-)

Unknown said...

Thanks Vicki- I am going to your blog to see it??

ShellyH said...

Bathroom drawers...I cleaned those out a few months ago and reorganized everything and I also organized my vanity under my sink, now its all nice and tidy and I can find everything :)

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