
Overnight Illness and Mysterious Fevers

How can a high fever come and go with no other symptoms? I am so often perplexed by childhood illness. My daughter went to bed a little warm, was 101 under her arm at 10 pm, Tylenol brought that down, it went back up overnight, and she woke up fine! How in the world! And she never complained, except for being thirsty and not want medicine. My doctor has told me fevers are a way of working something out, so I gave her the meds at the 101, but not before and not again. Obviously the mystery is solved, but without my knowledge!

The joys of motherhood!

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Kim said...

Glad she's better!!

Anonymous said...

Don't you love when that happens? On the one hand, you wonder what's up, but on the other, you are just glad you don't have to spend the night nursing a fever.

I am glad she is feeling better. :-)

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