
Scategories for Moms Part 1- Come Play!

Play Scategories for Moms...
Either cut and paste this onto your blog or copy it and paste it into the comment section. We will play a few times over the next few months- with different categories or different letters!

The goal is to find as many ORIGINAL words for the selected categories. You can review the selected posted entries to see what was already stated. Every word must start with the given letter. The first word cannot be the same as another section (ie., taco bell as a restaurant, taco as something in the grocery store). Double words are allowed with either the first or second word beginning with the letter, but extra credit is given for double words with the same letter as the first letter twice.

This week, the letter is T.
Here is the list...


Artistic Material

A reward

After school activity



Way to Say No

Item Found at the Grocery Store

One Thing Found in Your Purse/Bag

Vacation Location

Type of Snack Food

Type of Drink

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Unknown said...

See my list...

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