
GPS for the Directionally Challenged

I am famous... famous for taking the wrong turn and knowing it! I am always thinking a road will go one way it is does not... mostly, because in Florida, we have these things called BODY OF WATER.

It is not just the big bodies of water- the Gulf and the Atlantic usually help me in my direction- the Atlantic is on the east- so I can figure out the rest of the directions from there.

It is the lakes, rivers, and other water ways that get in my way. There are not always bridges where I need them to be~

And it is not the around town directions- I know every short cut there is to get around my city- even where the water is.

It is the longer trips, when I make a turn because I think it is correct- and it usually is not.

Today, for the first time, I saw the east side of Lake Okeechobee- that is the big lake in the center of the state. I made one turn and went the wrong way north. I ended up where I knew (and at least I knew I was going north), but I again was calling my husband telling him about the new adventure I was on. I asked him for a GPS for Christmas- one that leads me like a lamb to the location.

So ends my two days with my grandmother- the long way home!


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