
One more star for hubby!

I have already bragged about my husband about how great it has been having him home. Last night, he cleaned out the pantry! I got the nice pantry shelf organizers about 9 months - 1 year ago and cleaned it out pretty good. But I did not look at any expiration dates. Well, here in the hurricane state, you tend to stock up on canned goods and non-perishables. Who knows how long those things last? Well he found some pretty old ones. Have you ever heard of a can of artichokes exploding???? ...that is what started all of this off.

So now the pantry is free and clear of old food- now I don't have guilt over not using it.

And you know what they problem was... recipes. I would gather up ingredients to cook a recipe and go back to the plain old food I always cook! Gourmet cooking is never a quick option!

Thanks to my hubby and his wonderful eagerness to clean our house during his vacation!

P.S. He wanted me to add that we have more pasta per capita than any other house in the US. I never use up a whole box and always try to work it in. It would help if I only bought one type of pasta and then that would solve the problem!


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