
Blogging for Beginners

As I reach my 100th post on my very first independent mom blog, I have began to research on ways to make money from a blog.

Smart Moms is always looking for ways to make money from home. A blog is a simple way with little monetary investment to make money, if done correctly.

Do I know what correctly is?

Not completely or much at all as I begin to research.

However, believe it or not, this blog, without effort except posting quite a few days per week, has made me around $50 in the past 4 months.

Not much, but not too bad for not much work.

Over time, it will be enough to buy a new pair of shoes without guilt, or eventually pay for a family vacation (my trick is that the money will all go into an online bank account I do not access on a regular basis!).

And the only cost I have in this blog is my new domain- www.the-day-of-a-mom.com (no more blogspot.com!) and that is costing me $5.99 a year from 1&1. And that is even with a free email address!

I am going to be forging ahead with learning about blogging and I hope you will join me. Here is a place to start, a 6 figure income earner blogger with some beginning blogging tips.


Ad Tracker said...

Congratulations on getting your own domain. That's a big step.

I'm a fairly new blogger as well and I have found tons of information and ideas just surfing around in the MyBlogLog community. You wouldn't believe the upsurge in traffic I have received since joining.

Don't be intimidated by the idea of a community. You don't have to participate in any way. Just surf around.

I sound like I'm trying to sell you something but I'm not. I'm just trying to help you succeed.

Good Luck!

Ad Tracker said...

I just posted this in response to your comment but I wanted to be sure you got t so I'm posting it over here too.

Go to mybloglog.com and join up. You'll set up a username and password and can post an avatar and get a widget for you sidebar to show the avatars of the people that come to your blog.

Once inside you can search for blogs by topic or just surf around and check out other blogs. As you surf around your avatar will apear in the widget of the blogs you visit.

You will be surprised at the amount of traffic you will get from people coming to your site out of curiosity. Most will bounce but some will stay, grab a feed and become regular readers.

Have Fun with it!

Unknown said...

Thanks so much. I have joined.

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