
Guest Blogger: Loose Thread Stitchers

Here is a motivational letter from Colleen. She is on a journey to earn $30,000 in 30 days. Read her letter and see if you can help, or know someone that can. She is accepting small in kind donations or large investor contributions... who knows if you are one that can be the one!

I would like to start my story by thanking Rebekah for the opportunity to guest blog on her site and tell others my story. It was a very generous offer and I truly appreciate the opportunity.

Good day! My name is Colleen Leader and I am a SAHM who is trying to accomplish a Herculean task. No I am not talking about potty training my 2 year old or take 3 children under 5 to the grocery store at lunch time. That is for a super mom (if she is reading this could she shoot me a quick e-mail with the answers. I would appreciate it! Thanks). I better start from the beginning.

I am fortunate enough to be able to stay home with my 3 small children (4 years, 2 years and 9 months) full time. Over the years watching my children grow, I have realized that an individual can do anything they set their mind to do. I think any mom with small children and a jar full of cookies can attest to that! So I thought to myself, why not, take the chance and finally commit to making my dream a reality. That day Loose Thread Stitchers was born.

You should probably sit down for this. Seriously, are you ready? I am on a mission to raise $30,000 in 30 days to fund my dream – www.LooseThreadStitchers.com. I know you think I am off my rocker but allow me to explain.

I have spent the past 5 years researching and developing an online company that will revolutionize the needlework industry. We have self funded the project until now. Currently, we need an additional $30,000 to finish our site and launch in time for our first tradeshow at the Stitching Jubilee.

I have created a blog to narrate my journey. Each day I will post my adventures in creating funding opportunities and how my work is paying off. I truly believe that $30,000 in 30 days is possible. Won’t you join me and help make my dream a reality?

BTW – My husband and I has Chinese tonight and I quickly ate my dinner and ran right back into the office to finish my work. He just came in the office and handed me my fortune cookie. My cookie read, ”Your dearest dream is coming true”. How cool is that?

I look forward to reading your comments and suggestions and feel free to pass my story along – you never know who could change your life and make your dreams come true!

Things just got interesting!

In Stitches,

Hope you are inspired to make your own dream come true or to help Colleen!


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