I am participating in the Bloggy Giveaways Quarterly Blog Carnival. WOW! There are already over 700 entries!
For my giveaway, I am giving a FREE $10 gift card to Starbucks OR Walmart (your choice). All you have to do is comment here on one thing you are thankful for. The one I find the most interesting or the most inspiring will be the winner. The winner will be announced August 1.
***additional information added July 30- I am going to accept comments until August 1 at 11:59 pm- I just love reading how everyone is thankful! I am also going to use a random number drawing to choose the winner- there are just too many good ones. Thanks for stopping by!

I'm thankful every day for my baby boy, who at this very moment is using my bladder as a trampoline!
saharagreen at gmail dot com
I am thankful for my FAMILY!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am most thankful for being born an American. Sometimes I wonder how that happened when so many people in the world are suffering. It amazes me that I was chosen to be born free.
Thanks for this chance to win. I would take a Walmart card, I already entered for a LOT of Starbucks.
Bucky's or Bust!!!
i'm thankful for my kids...even when they are driving me crazy :)
I want to let you know how thankful I am for my whole family.
How I cherish every moment, every phone call, every hug and even the temper tantrums of a small child.
I know its not a very inspiring but sometimes it takes losing someone to open your heart wider than you ever thought it could open.
I am thankful that our church found someone who will be a great youth pastor. Thank you so much for offering the gift card! I would love the Starbucks one.
I am thankful that our church found someone who will be a great youth pastor. Thank you so much for offering the gift card! I would love the Starbucks one.
I am thankful for God's grace and forgiveness. I need it daily!
I am thankful for two beautiful daughters and their beautiful smiles I see every day.
I am thankful for my family. And not just my husband and my kids, but also my parents and in-laws etc.
I am thankful that my husband loves me more than he loves his new TV. Short story, 6 weeks after we bought a new 47 inch flat screen TV, I lost control of the Wii-mote and broke it (the TV--the Wii-mote is fine.) You can read the story on my blog. (7/6/08)
I am thankful my children don't have Nueroaxonal dystrophy the way 2 of my siblings did (they died b4 they turned 4)
I am thankful for my family and friends!
I am most thankful for the sweet baby that is growing in my belly. I could not ask for anything more amazing!
Thanks for having a giveaway! I am thankful for my family.
I would choose a Walmart giftcard.
I am thankful for air conditioning today! Great giveaway idea, thanks for the chance to enter!
I am thankful for many things, but am especially grateful for good health. I know how devastating it can be to have high medical bills and physical discomfort as I have seen it in the lives of others. I feel blessed that I can travel and do what I really want to without the worry of health issues.
Thanks for the great contest!
I am most thankful that the Creator of the universe sent His Son to save me!
I'm thankful for God and my son.
I am thankful for lots of things like having a healthy child and a wonderful husband. But I am very thankful for the Disney Channel because it allows me a piece of sanity in the mornings.
I am thankful for my husband and daughter.
Instantly I think of my gift of eternal life through Jesus, but then you sound a bit picky so I'll add the fact that my husband and I just celebrated our Golden Wedding Anniversary this July 7th!
So, can anyone top that? I think NOT.
Ooooh... Starbucks! Yum! :) I am so thankful for my husband! He has always been so patient, kind, and loving with me- and he's an awesome father!
While I am thankful for the usual things, family, health, etc.... I am also thankful for my JOB. My job entails providing fuel assistance to needy families in the wintertime, and yes, I would be lying if I said I wasn't grateful for the paycheck...but to see the young, struggling family and the elderly widow in my office wondering WHERE they will get their oil, wondering if they can go home to another night at a cold house, and telling them that emergency assistance will be on their way with 100 gallons within 24 hours, watching tears of desperation turn to tears of joy.... yes, I am grateful for my job, and the help I can provide to so many.
One thing I am thankful for is super easy right now! I am thankful that the baby growing in my tummy is safe and sound! We were worried for awhile we were going to loose him and it got pretty scary but thankfully he is doing just fine!
I would love Starbucks please.
I am thankful for being born in a very safe environment and country, Canada. The reason is so because I am a growing teenager that has many opportunities surrounding her. I am able to tune in the TV and know what is going on the other side and receive the best education there is.
Unlike the unfortunate children in Africa who live in poverty, I am able to do anything I free to choose with many things I can choose from.
I am thankful for every day I have had with my mother and every day that I will have with her. I never knew how thankful I was for her until 1) I had my own children, and 2) I found out she was dying of cancer. It took both of these profound experiences to show me the depth of gratitude I have for what this incredible woman has been in my life.
i am thankful that my husband saved my life on sunday. i was choking and he acted quckly without scaring the kids.
I am extremely thankful for my son, who was born in March. We weren't sure if we wanted or could even have children so we were so blessed when I became pregnant. He's the best thing that has ever come into my life along with my husband.
Thanks for sharing!
I'm thankful that my husband has found a new company to work for that actually values him and his abilities.
He has done so much for his old company and they have shown little to no interest in compensating him for his value.
Thanks for the giveaway.
I am thankful for my eldest son's continued good health.
I'm thankful that our baby is growing and appears to be healthy and normal - we'll see in November! I'm also thankful for a job that allows me flexibility as I've been sick with the pregnancy!
I am thankful for both my children. Both were born early and I am blessed to have them.
=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com
I am very thankful for my family. My post prized "possessions."
readingtoknow (at) gmail (dot) com
Five weeks ago our sweet baby Kate was born completely healthy. At the 20 week ultrasound, we were told that she had a marker for down syndrome. We decided to be content that God was knitting baby Kate together in His perfect will and didn't do any further testing to find out if she indeed did have a disorder.
We are thankful that she is a happy, healthy baby.
Great giveaway! I'm thankful for my husband and wonderful children.
I am thankful that Hubby and I are making a living in this economy. Not everyone is so lucky.
I'm thankful no one in my family is in the hospital right now. Sounds strange, but there were three of us there this year and I'm so glad that's over!
I'm thankful for my husband!! He just finished getting a history degree and alt. cert. for teaching, started his masters this summer, and just got his first teaching job! I'm so proud of him and all he does for us. I'm very lucky. :)
I am so blessed to have my husband and daughter.
I'm thankful that I am almost done being pregnant!!
my husband and kids!
i am so thankful for my girl, the absolute most important thing in my world, every day i count my blessings for her
i think we're all thankful for our children and hope for their continued health and well-being, i'm in the same group, every day i count my blessings
im thankful for my parents for doing so much for us and giving up a good life to come to the USA to start from the bottom
target gc
I am thankful for the good health and well-being of my family.
michelle at northofthe49 dot com
One of the things I am thankful for is the wonderful ladies I've met thru blogs. I know that's not the "normal" answer of family, children, etc. and I am thankful for all of those things... but having met several true friends thru blogging is a real treat. Even if we never meet it's so nice to have a person you can relate to in the internet world. It's amazing at how a blog can change ones life.
Walmart would be my choice..
I'm thankful that I don't always get what I want ;) With perfect hindsight, I can see that what I wanted would have been terrible if I'd gotten it--marrying my college boyfriend, or having my children much closer together in age, or any number of unmet desires that have turned out to really be blessings! I thankful that instead I've gotten what I've needed, and if I'm patient, usually that ends up being what I would have wanted if I'd known any better ;)
Thanks for the chance to reflect on our blessings!
f dot chen at comcast dot net
I am so very thankful for my family, my home and to able to live in a free country!
So thankful for my little boy who is healthy! I am thankful for my husband and his job, that I am able to stay home right now with my son. I am thankful for my country, that we are free citizens. I am thankful for my church, and GOd, that he sent his son to die for my sins, so I can go to Heaven. I have so much to be thankful about, thanks for reminding me about it!
I am thankful for my husband who has helped me through so many things, college, finals, being pregnant, taking care of children and the home. He is truly a blessing.
Oh...I would prefer the Wal-Mart card.
We are in the process of a serious financial crises and sometimes I get all caught up in the materialistic aspects of life... but what I am truly so thankful for is my family. My husband who is my partner in all things and who has stood by me during this financial crises, and who has supported me through 3 bouts of serious post-partum depression. I am so thankful for my beautiful children who give me hundreds of reasons to be grateful every day. I am so incredibly thankful to live in Canada, where even if we are completely broke we are still richer than most of this world. And most of all I am thankful for Jesus who died to save me and keeps me sane and whole in this life!
i am thankful to be a single woman living in today's world, on her own and providing for herself
I am thankful for my baby. I would love a trip to starbucks!
owatz (AT) telus (DOT) net
I am thankful for my husband and 9 kids!
I'm thankful for my kids, even though they drive me crazy most days. Thanks for the chance.
Nice giveaway, Rebekah!
I am thankful for my husband. We've been through a lot, most of which is our fault, lol. I am thankful that he is a great provider, hard worker and he always puts his family first, no matter who gives him flack about it.
I am thankful that so many people have sacrificed to help me live the life I live today. Christ, the soldiers in many wars over many years, my parents while I was growing up, the teachers who spent extra time with me afterschool when they weren't being paid overtime, the mentors who have guided me...
Of course you know the list can go on and on. But as I said, giving thanks to those who have sacrificed and continue to sacrifice so that the rest of us may live comfortably and securely is a blessing we all share!
I am thankful for my loving husband and family.
I'm thankful I have a roof over my head and food. I'm thankful for having a great husband and two great kids.
I am so thankful to have all of my children. Sometimes I take it for granted that I have them, but as I struggle to have another and it is not so easy, I just appreciate having them.
But just this week I became even more thankful for having them, alive and healthy. A friend's daughter had placenta previa and gave birth to her still born son at 21 weeks. So sad. And I am so blessed not to have had to go through that.
Right now we are going through debt consolidation for all of our credit cards. We were young and stupid when we got them and now we are paying for it.
The inspiring part is while most marriages crumble in hard times, ours has held strong. This hasn't been one of those things here we blame one another, we've held a united front.
My husband works his tail off to provide for us and I'm blessed everyday for being the lucky woman that he calls his wife.
I'm thankful for bloggy giveaways! lol. ppreacherswife at gmail dot com
I am thankful for the way my paper is starting to come together. I only had a week to write it (for a summer class), and I had been stressing about it. Now I've written 6 of 10 pages, and the last 3 just sort of fell out of my fingers! (how else do you say that in the electronic age?)
I am thankful for my husband and son! And we could aways use some groceries at walmart!
Thank you sooo much for entering my bloggy giveaway - I'm here to enter yours :)
*** I am thankful for my LIFE. Even though it seems confusing and complex at times, I wouldn't change it for the world. I'm also THANKFUL for my family and probably MOST IMPORTANTLY...
I'm thankful for the 'new' kidney my brother gave me one year ago - it changed my life forever (no more dialysis!) and gave me yet another reason to LOVE LIVING. ***
Krissi from Krississippi
I'm very thankful for my healthy girls and family.
I am thankful for my health and my family's, my wonderful fiance and my great dog. Life is good and I am thankful for that.
ebickell [at] hotmail.com
I am so thankful to be able to stay at home with a healthy little man that's about to turn two!
I am thankful to be alive after being close to death 2 different times in my life!
I'm thankful for my hard working husband who not only goes out and makes enough money for us to live relatively comfortably on, but also is supportive of me and helps so much with childcare and household stuff.
I'd go for Walmart, I think...Starbucks is tasty, but the nearest one is 3 hours away!
I am most thankful for my hubby. He taught me how to love! Thanks!
I am thankful for my boyfriend, who is such a positive force in my life. More topically, I am thankful for steamed milks at Starbucks. :)
urchiken at gmail dot com.
I am thankful to live in a free country. I think many times we forget those who sacrified so much to bring our country to the point where we are free to exercise what we believe.
I am thankful for my two teenagers. My husband wanted kids, but I could have done the career things and been happy. Instead I have been a stay at home all their lives and LOVED it. I would not trade it for all the biz suits in the world!
Thanks for having the giveaway!
I am thankful for my daughter. She gives me so much joy!
the_other_alice_ (at) yahoo.com
Right now I'm thankful that my horrible, noisy, felonious neighbors are finally moving away!!! And I keep hating myself for saying that because the new people might not be any better, LOL!
Spending the whole day at the zoo with an aunt we never see, and no crabbiness! It was awesome!!
I am thankful for email and the internet which allows me to stay closely in touch with my family in Australia and South Africa!
Either GC would be great - thanks for a chance to win!
Well I was gonna say I'm thankful that God made the universe SO unfathomable large BUT, due to very recent events, I'll have to say I'm glad my 9 month-old didn't just cut himself on the glass he dropped!
I found out today I have to have a root canal but,
I am thankful that it was not something much more serious! My sister has MS and that puts things in perspective!
I'm thankful to have 2 happy and healthy boys. Thanks for the great giveaway.
I'll share what my husband said at grace tonight...we've had ants in the house today. So he said "Thank you Lord for the ants, as it means we have a house for them to get into...but please Lord, get rid of them soon!". So I guess we're thankful for ants today. *sigh*
I am thankful for my four children. I am thankful that I live in this free country. I am thankful for my husband, for what he provides for us. I am thankful that I have a high metabolism! I am thankful that I will have another chance tomorrow, God willing, to try again to be the perfect Mom.
dkkwhcs at yahoo dot com
I have the most wonderful husband in the world (sorry ladies) and four children I adore spending time with. What more could I ask for?
Thanks for the question. It is fun to answer and to read other replies.
I'm thankful that I'm saved by God's love and grace. It's nothing that I've done myself but it's the work of Christ on the cross for my salvation. I struggle often in my walk with God but I know He's always here to help me back up whenever I fall. He's my Rock of Salvation! purposedrivenlife4you(at)gmail(dot)com
I'm thankful for my husband who has stood by me in tough times!
I'm thankful for our family! We always stick by each other, even when things get rough.
I am thankful I was able to quit my job in April to stay home full time with my son.
I'm thankful for having my very own Bible (actually Bibles) that I can read any time I want to. I'm thankful that I live in a free country that allows me to read that Bible without persecution, at least not so far. I'm thankful for my salvation and the Holy Spirit that compels me to read that Bible.
Thanks for this opportunity. I would like the Wal-Mart GC. It would be more practical.
I am thankful for my husband and my family.
I am incredibly thankful for my two beautiful sons through the miracle of adoption and for the unexpected brand-new one we are also expecting through adoption next month!
We are truly blessed!
alainamj (AT) yahoo (DOT) com
I am thankful for living in a free country.
eternally grateful for my children. Thanks for the chance to win. Visit mine at www.mypreppypurse.blogspot.com
Thanks for entering mine!
I'm totally most thankful for my house right now.
We are moving soon, and will likely have to rent for a while. Sad about that. You know how you put paint on the walls and love into the bathroom makeover and sweat into painting the DECK! Oh well, it's just a thing right?
I'm blessed with a wonderful family. Everyday I am thankful for that.
My son is multi-learning disabled and has dyspraxia, a motor disability. For awhile when he was little life was really hard and we had to fight tooth and nail for him against an unwilling school system.
I'm thankful for the angel of a teacher who saw that diamond in the rough and who, through a lot of sweat and tears, helped transform him into the confident, eager kid he is today.
Who also won the "most improved student award" (his very first award ever) when he graduated grade 7.
I am so thankful for good health for me and my children! We are so blessed!
I almost died while pregnant with my first daughter. I'm thankful that I lived and that she did & is doing so well. She will be 11 in September & going into the 6th grade. She is a talented dancer, we weren't even sure if she'd be able to walk, learn or anything if she lived.
I am thankful for my family that they are healthy and happy. I am thankful for the stray cat that showed up on our doorstep in time for my son's birthday this week (he's been asking for a cat for two years and I said no, not unless one shows up on our doorstep). I am thankful for a faithful husband who works hard every day.
I'm thankful for my sister that goes above and beyond anytime I ask a favor. She's super!!
I'm thankful to be a Mom of 3 healthy, beautiful children
I'd like to win a Wal-Mart gift card. I am thankful everday for God's blessings. I am also thankful for my great family.
I am thankful for my kids,hubby&everythign we have
I'm thankful for bike lanes
I am thankful for my little dog Zoe. She is the one "person" who is always glad to see me!
rhondacason @ gmail . com
I'm most thankful for my salvation and the opportunity to live forever someday.
I'm thankful for so much, but most of all, I'm thankful for my family and my best friends.
I'm also thankful for my chronic pain doctor who has helped me more than he'll ever know.
And, I'm thankful I can walk again and don't have to use the wheelchair which for years is just what I had to do after an accident at the school where I taught 4th grade left me disabled with an extrememly painful condition with no cure.
Finally, I'm thankful for life!!!
Great way to do a giveaway!!
Thanks so much!!
I am thankful for my freedom. I've become more aware of my freedom in this country when my brother came home from his tour of duty in the war.
I am thankful that I have only done laundry once in 12+ years (my husband always does it) and I'm thankful for all the times he helps me clean or lets me rest when I don't feel well. I'm thankful that my kids are healthy, happy and do well in school. I am thankful for the air that I breath, the food in my tummy, the clothes on my back and the roof over my head.
First I am thankful for salvation through Jesus Christ. Thankful for my babies and my dear DH. I am so so so thankful to be a SAHM and homeschool my babies. Thank you!!
I am thankful for my 10-month-old daughter's smile which makes even the worst day staying home with her a little easier to handle.
I'm thankful for my husband and both my children. I would chose a walmart gift card to use for diapers. Thanks for the great giveaway!
my family!
I am SO thankful for a successful surgery two weeks ago. My husband and I have been stuggling with pregnancy loss and infertility for the past year, but we are so hopeful after this surgery. The Lord was good to lead us to one of the best specialists in the country, and she was able to determine and remove the causes of both my miscarriage and infertility. And the recovery wasn't even too bad! It will all be worth it if we can have a healthy baby now. Thanks so much!
I am most thankful for my husband. It's hard being a parent and having his support is wonderful! He works really hard so I can stay home with our son, and he goes to school full time at night. He's wonderful!
Im thankful for every day I get to get out of bed, good or bad
When I was younger I made a lot of bad choices. My life would have turned out terrible if left to me. By the grace of God, I will tell you that with him, all things are possible. I now have a great life with my loving husband & 3 wonderful children. What am I most thankful for? The blessings God has poured on me. Thanks for the contest, walmart would be great.
I am thankful for my family!
I'm thankful for the gift of education my mom and dad gave me. After I got laid off I decided to start college at age 44. My mom and dad paid for all my classes and books. I will always be greatful for that gift.
I am thankful for the financial troubles we've had in the past year, it has brought us closer together as a family, and taught us (especially me) to let go & rely on God because I now know I can't do it on my own & God has solutions I'd never imagine in my wildest dreams!
I'm thankful for my family and I'm thankful for all of my human and furry friends
Starbucks, please!
I'm thankful for each and every kick of my baby boy, due in November. This is my last baby, so I'm treasuring everything!
Great giveaway! I could use either. One for the family (Wal Mart) and one for me (Starbucks). Now I just need to choose. :) If I win I promise I'll choose then.
I've subscribed to your feed so that I can keep up with your blog.
Thank you for this wonderful giveaway that you are participating in!
I am most thankful for my Mom. She's the only who loves me unconditionally.
I am thankful for my beautiful children. I would love a Walmart card.
I am thankful for the health of my family.
Im thankful for my awesome family
I am thankful for my daughter - she has down syndrome and if it weren't for that I wouldn't have met this whole oline community of families who have a child with down syndrome...some I've been able to meet in person too.
I'm thankful for my husband who proudly serves our country in the air force.
I am thankful for my brother. He nearly died after a fatal stint as a professional bullrider, several surgeries, and several months in the hospital. The fact that he is alive is truly a miracle. He was in a rural area at a rodeo when he was thrown and the bulls hoof was caught in his safety vest and kept stomping him while trying to get free. The local hospital wasn't equipped for a trauma of that magnitude and the helicopter was on another call. They sent for another ambulance from the major city 1 and 1/2 hours away, meaning it was 3 hours before he got to the Trauma Center, and 10 minutes after he arrived he was in surgery. Every major organ was damaged except his heart. Needless to say, we are so thankful to still have him!
I am thankful for a lot of things, two being my health and my family's health!
I am thankful that I live in a country where I have many rights and freedoms.
I'm thankful that all my family is healthy. I would love a Walmart gift card. Thank you so much!
I'm thankful for the Lord's Grace and Mercy!!!
I am thankful for being saved by the grace of God. Though my family has had its share of trials and trauma, the knowledge that we will one day be praising God together in heaven makes me dance with joy!
Ok - I am thankful for all the regular things like my husband, my son, family, etc. - but to go outside of that I am really thankful for high speed internet. Might sound silly, but I get a heck of a lot out of my internet connection :-)
I thank God everyday for blessing me with my beautiful baby girl. Prebaby I was a wild child and made lots of stupid decisions. Now my life revolves around Brea and every decision I make I ask if it is something that I want her to do when she's older. After all if I do it I'm also teaching her that it is okay
I am thankful for strawberries!
THank you!
Right now I'm most thankful for having known a wonderful person who just lost his fight with lung cancer. He was a great mentor and friend, and I feel very lucky to have worked with him for many years. Thanks for the giveaway -- I'd prefer Starbucks!
I am thankful for my 4 little girlies. And that they love each other so much and love to do things with and for each other.
I am very, very thankful for my daughter's preschool teacher. My daughter has autism and this teacher has really brought her out of her shell.
I'm thankful for coupons. They're like money in my pocket.
gotfire at yahoo dot com
I am so thankful for my mom. She's the most giving person in the world.
I am thankful for everyday, and every sunrise and sunset because its a new day for me to grow closer to God.
i would go for starbucks, as my 2 yo loves their coffeecake (seriously). anyway, i'm thankful that my pregnancy has gone ok so far. and that i haven't gained any weight yet - woo hoo!
i'm thankful for my family, my friends and our good health.
fertawert AT yahoo DOT com
I'm thankful for the freedom to openly proclaim my belief in Jesus Christ and for so many other things too numerous to name. If I won, a Walmart card would be awesome with school quickly approaching. Thanks for a great giveaway.
After having our AC out for 4 days (and we live in the high desert outside of LA), I am so thankful that the AC repair man came today!!! I am also thankful that Starbucks makes Grande Mocha Frappaccinos and I am healthy enough and my husband has a great job to allow me to enjoy them a couple times a week! Great giveaway! Thanks for offering it!
I am thankful for all my family & my friends & my church & my job...oh wait, that's more than 1, isn't it?
I am thankful that I can be a WAHM. Being home with my children means so much to me.
Thanks for the great giveaway!!
I am thankful for my family, and particularly for my mother and the close relationship we have. I feel most blessed to have her in my life. I love my husband and two sons dearly, but sometimes I just need a female sympathetic ear, and that is my mom.
I'm thankful that my daughter was able to secure the reception hall that she wanted for her wedding. It was the desire of her heart and God blessed them.
Thanks for your generosity!
KJ - California
I am thankful for my daughter. Thanks so much for the opportunity.
planetmisty at gmail dot com
I am thankful that my baby was born healthy and we have a happy, healthy family.
I'm thankful for my family. I'm thankful for my new job. And thankful for OLS. :)
I am thankful for a healty baby - as much as I sometimes complain about being 8+ months pregnant in summer - I have pretty "easy" pregnancies and 3 great kids!
Oeh yeah - and I'm Thankful for Jesus! Guess He should be first huh? ;-)
I am thankful for my wonderful husband who is such a help with our toddler and he does all the cooking!
elkmeese at yahoo dot com
I'm sure you've heard it a lot, but I am very thankful for my hubby and my son.
I'm thankful I'm able to stay at home with my children! :0)
(p.s. Starbucks would be my pick!)
musesofmegret (at) gmail (dot) com
I am thankful for Grace. God's Grace given so freely and undeservedly. Something I never could earn given and am never expected to earn. A pure, unselfish Love that compels me to love back.
my almost hubby and baby boy of course.
alexandra dot hancock at gmail dot com
I am thankful that I have a job that isn't going anywhere during this unstable economic period.
I am thankful that I was smart enough to finish my degree and am able to return to teaching this year.
Thank you for hosting this giveaway.
tiffanyannrosson at yahoo dot com
I'm thankful for so much...my wonderful family, my wonderful friends, and very thankful that God chose me to be His child (though I did nothing to deserve it) before the foundation of the world!
I am so thankful for my family especially my little guy who it took 7 years to get here- Thanks so much for the great giveaway!
I'm thankful for my family. I would love to win. Thanks! Make sure you stop by my site http://uniquelyyoursbyshay.blogspot.com for a chance to win a Princess Bracelet made by yours truely by 5 today.
Shay T.
I am thankful for a healthy pregnancy/baby, and a wonderful daughter who is turning 2 tomorrow!!
I'd like a Walmart card if I win. Thanks!
jes (at) beautyfromchaos (dot) com
I am thankful to have a job when so many others at our business doesn't anymore. I am grateful for my two ungrateful teens who are healthy enough to gripe. I am thankful for my hubby that we are still going strong after 22 yrs. And that we are all healhy and doing alright.
I am thankful for all that I have and the contentment not to dwell on what I don't.
I am thankful that we finally got to go to Disney World this year. Our first real family vacation. I'd take Starbucks thanks.
I am thankful for my son's laughter.
I'd love a Starbucks gift card.
Starbucks. I am tahnkful for my wonderful 6 month old little boy.
Thanks for the giveaway, isn't this fun!
I'm thankful for my extremely helpful and understanding hubby. We have 4 kids age 5 and under, and sometimes the house just isn't a priority! :-) I'd prefer Walmart, please!
I am thankful for good health :)
I'd choose the starbucks card!
I am thankful for my family's health and for the fact that my dream of moving to where I am now came true 2+ years ago.
I am truly 'thankful' for my church. They have become my 'family' and have been there for me in so many ways. Thanks for the giveaway, lots of inspiring comments.
tedbear2379 AT saintly DOT com
I am thankful for my health and for my family. I'd love to win the Starbucks giftcard. Thanks for the chance!
i'm thankful for family. i guess would have to go with walmart
I am thankful for my hubby and my faith in God (no matter how small it may be at times)
This is AMAZING! YOU'RE amazing!
I'm thankful that i go to live my dream of moving to England for a year! But now i'm back home and thankful to be around friends and family again :)
irrelevantheart (at) gmail (dot) com !! Thank you!
I'm thankful that no one was hurt when I totaled our car on Wednesday - not me, not my 18-mo-old, not the other driver, and especially not our 19-week-old unborn little one.
We may even be able to afford another car on just what USAA will give us for my old one!
I am thankful that I got laid of from work as of Sept 1st. I know sounds weird but I finally get the chance to try my hand at being a stay home mom. I would have never been brave enough unless someone had made the decision for me. God gives us what we need most in the funniest ways.
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