
Those Terrible Two's!

I can see that my dear daughter has definitely hit those terrible two's. Although she is still lovable and cute, she is also opinionated and wants to control her own life. That is all well and good except when we are trying to get up and going in the morning. She does not want me to fix her hair, put on her clothes, or her shoes. She does not want to brush her teeth or turn off the TV. in fact, she only wants to watch Elmo Hair each and every morning! We have given her choices on the clothes and shoes, and that helps, but not always.

This morning, I wrestled her down to fix her hair (it is to her mid-back, so it is not like I can leave it!), she fussed all the way to school about a book that was on the floor, and then she goes into her classroom with a big smile and a kiss for her teacher!

At least she likes school!

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