
Working and working and working

Working full time and trying to carry on the other activities I was involved in is difficult. There, of course, is not as much time to blog, time to search on the internet, or time to spend with my friends. Just the other night, my friend Betsy and I finally talked on the phone after over a week! We used to talk daily. There is just not as much time.

So if you don't see me blog as frequently, you now know the reason... too much to do and not enough time!

I used to do most of my work in the evenings; now I am in bed at 9:00-10:00 pm.

I used to have the day during my daughters nap to catch up on emails; now she naps at school when I am at work.

The working moms schedule changes! I am changing as part of my new title. Hopefully it will all work out soon!


Mom Tu-Tu said...

I recently went back to full time work and boy it sure does make a difference!

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