
You too can be an INFOPRENEUR

I am a partner in Smart Moms -Smart Business, LLC. We just recently became official but we began our work at home journey back in March 2007 after coming across a work at home mom website. We knew we could provide high quality training for moms that work at home, plus try to gather some names of women that wanted to join with us.

Since then, we have learned so much more than we ever thought we could have known about doing business on the internet. We have divided into two paths: working from home in direct sales and working from home by becoming an INFOPRENEUR: an information entrepreneur.

We are building businesses from information we already have. I was a school teacher so I am building a site with preschool resources. You can see the beginnings at Preschool-Activities-Everyday Blog. We have also created an eBook that is a guide to lose weight. You can see the site at 30 Days To A Healthier You!

And the point being here is that 3 months ago, I would not have believed I own and operate 5 different websites and have written 2 1/2 eBooks! And you can do it too. The internet is an amazing place to build and sell information. Everyone wants it, no one wants to take the time to look for it. So build a site with one location for all the top information, and you can make money!

If you want more information and a free report with the links of all the resources we have used to build our business, visit Smart Moms - Smart Business and subscribe to our newsletter. It is free to join and free to get the report. And click on some of the links on the sidebar to see more about what we have done over the past 4 months. We are impressed and hope you are too!

I am on vacation for a few days! No cable, no phone, no internet! Gotta love it!


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